Okay, this latte is kinda ghetto. The phrase "ghetto latte" might seem like a contradiction - after all, a latte is a classy blend of espresso and steamed milk. It's the type of thing you buy from a pretentious hipster, flavored with gingerbread or peppermint mocha. This latte becomes ghetto because, to be frank, I cheat. I own neither an espresso machine nor any legitimate means of making steamed milk.
But on Saturday, I found myself jonesing for a latte. I improvised! The result tastes shockingly like something you'd buy at Starbucks and doesn't require investing in any expensive equipment. Perhaps more importantly, you can get your hands on it without being judged by any hipsters whatsoever! The only important thing to have is some means of filtration. If you have a french press, that would be ideal. If not, you could use a fine mesh strainer or (like I used) a regular drip coffee machine filter.
Well, I didn't mention peppermint mocha for no good reason.